Launch Sites
As its name implies, Causeway Beach lies just at the end of the causeway between Deer Isle and neighboring Little Deer Isle. This lovely little beach provides good all-tide access to the north shore of Deer Isle. It also gives convenient access to many islands which lie to the west of Little Deer Isle.
This area provides many great options for half or full-day tours. There is abundant wildlife in the area and the geology is quite unique.
As a jumping point for multi-day trips westward into Penobscot Bay, it would be possible to island hop as far as Vinalhaven. Depending on weather conditions and skill level, several days out here could find us paddling all the way across Penobscot Bay!

Naskeag Point
Situated at the extreme southern end of the Blue Hill Peninsula in the town of Brooklin, Naskeag Point consists of a small sandy spit of land which juts out toward some of the nearby Islands. This point of land sits at the intersection of Eggemoggin Reach to the North and West, with Jericho Bay to the South and Blue Hill Bay to the East.
Being situated at such a confluence creates a multitude of tour options. The boat launch at the end of Naskeag Point Rd. is usually fairly protected. Depending on the conditions and the group, we can either explore the islands in Eggemoggin Reach or head over to the east side of Deer Isle. It's also possible to strike out across the top of Jericho Bay and explore the Casco Passage.
This slightly hidden, out-of-the-way beach is one of the nicest all-tide launch sites on the coast. Given the many great options for exploration once on the water, it's one of our favorites!

The town of Stonington lies on the southern shore of Deer Isle and is the most convenient place from which to access the world famous Deer Isle Archipelago. This unique cluster of 30+ islands reaches from Stonington to Isle Au Haut, a lesser known part of Acadia National Park. While some of these islands are privately owned, many have been preserved or are State of Maine public lands.
When it comes to conducting half or full-day tours in this area, the options are countless and you can't go wrong. We launch from the Colwell Ramp. No matter what direction we venture to from this location, with its granite shores and sandy beaches, wandering through these islands will sooth your soul.
For those interested in an extended adventure, this location is our favorite option for conducting multi-day tours. It's easily one of the best places in the world from which to launch an island-hopping adventure. With a multitude of campsites available, there is a good chance of circumnavigating Isle Au Haut and returning home with plenty to brag about!

Hadley Point
Hadley Point is a sandy beach on the northern shore of Mount Desert Island in Bar Harbor. It provides good all-tide access to The Mount Desert Narrows and the Eastern Bay. Departing from this location allows us to navigate to Sand Point, which boasts tall cliffs and sea caves known as The Ovens, along with many other fascinating features. Full-day tours will have a greater likelihood of reaching The Ovens.

The town docks in Manset are adjacent to a small beach which offers easy access to the bustling waterways of Southwest Harbor. From this location, both half-day and full-day tours will be able to explore aspects of Somes Sound or the Cranberry Islands. Both offer picturesque views and the potential for lots of wildlife sightings. The only real question of the day will be - do we head to the left or right?!

Bar Harbor
There's not much we can say about Bar Harbor that hasn't already been written. Millions visit this destination each year for the beauty, the charm and, of course, the seafood! What we CAN tell you is that time spent paddling these waters with Nautical By Nature will enhance your Bar Harbor visit by providing you with knowledge of little-known sites from the water, history of the village itself.

Winter Harbor
For those who are looking for a little more adventure, Winter Harbor will not disappoint! This location provides access to Schoodic Point and multiple islands on the Eastern Side of Frenchman Bay Some experience is required for this location, given the increased exposure to open waters and the increased likelihood of rapidly changing conditions.