Naskeag Point Tour
Situated on the southern end of the Blue Hill Peninsula in the Town of Brooklin, the Naskeag boat Launch is one of the prettiest harbors that we have ever visited. This area as an interesting history and a proud tradition of boat building. Also some of the nicest Islands we have visited there are no shortage of opportunities to explore. To the West lies Eggemoggin Reach and Deer Isle, to the east it Blue Hill Bay, and to the South is Jericho Bay. Paddling at a confluence of several bodies of water often provide great opportunities to view wildlife. We feel confident that the drive is more than worth the time for a top notch paddling experience.
What to Expect
3 to 4 hours of comfortably paced Kayaking
Average distance of 4 to 6 miles
Possible harbor seals, grey seals and, harbor porpoise sightings
Possible bald eagle, osprey, common loon, black guillemot sightings, as well as other seabirds
exceptional scenery
A break on a beach to eat, stretch, and explore
A very good chance to get wet
What is provided
Sea Kayaks solo or tandem
PFD(life jacket), Paddle, spray skirt, spray jacket(if needed), and waterproof phone case
Basic sea kayaking lesson and safety instruction
Registered Maine Guide